Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Multi-Service Guided Projectile InfoGraphic.


  1. It looks like artillery might be heading for a Renaissance, smarter and more capable rounds a development started with the copperhead, and now increasing ranges and the railgun just around the corner.... and then its biggest advantage COST, very imporant !!

    1. yeah Arty is about to give Marine Air a serious run for its money. we're talking about striking beyond the forward edge of the battle area. we're talking about hitting MSR's with ease. this is a revolution in the making. now if the Corps would finally decide to mechanize our artillery we might be cooking with gas. just give us a battalion of M109's at the regiment level in all three divisions and we're looking at something cool.

  2. I definitely see the benefit of smart shells for navy guns, but I don't think wheeled guns are the way to go. Certainly not for an expeditionary force. Considering that to be able to survive firing this thing more than once requires the attacking force to acquire air superiority first. Also, those sorties are needed to get proper intel on targets anyway. Why not just drop a bomb when the pilot IDs the package.

    1. because we can use UAVs for targeting information and damage assessment and we can operate under either Navy AEGIS missile systems or the Army's Patriot batteries.

    2. That's true. But that kind of runs counter to the American doctrine of Offensive Defense. This setup seems much more like something another country would employ, like the DPRK or IRI.

    3. no this seems like something the ground forces of a nation might latch onto when they see the air arms in the USAF, USMC and to a certain extent USN all losing the capability of providing on call fast jet close air support.

      the reality of the F-35 is sinking in. it MIGHT be able to do deep strikes. it MIGHT be able to fight the air war. but it WON't be able to do close air support.

      and that's just the stinking truth.

  3. At it would be great to hear how much this money saver is projected to cost ,Excalibur with its 40k+$ per round its not that cheap ,so unless this is significantly cheaper it might be great for attacking point targets with its 5m accuracy but when you need to attack area targets with a good bombardment you are again at 40km firing range.

    1. I couldn't find any info on the cost per round. Well, I will take that back, I did find some info on the Zumwalts 155 ammo, it had a projected $30k cost per round. I think the article was a bit dated though, it still had the ERGM price at $40k per round, before it ballooned out to $191k per round and was canceled.

      So, no idea what the cost per round is.

  4. If you look in the bottom right hand corner of the add you will see it all. BAE reduces required artillery battalions from 9 to 3. That is the stupidest most defeatist logic I've ever heard. Lets get less of something that works well and ditch the cruise missiles.....or not lol. I'll buy these idiots shells if they will stop talking nonsense. Legacy infrastructure can kill people like build like this.


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