Wednesday, June 11, 2014

UK Army Combat Capability for the Future

Thanks for the link Jonathan!!!


  1. If the British Army goes to the Crimea, Putin will send a policeman to arrest it.

  2. sol, just sent you a direct message on twitter, can you have a look

  3. Basically, let's bugger over all the units that do most of the work (mostly Scottish regiments that are downsized into battalions) and not touch the money we're spending on pointless, waste of money stuff like an outside agency handling applications and pay, bowman radio and pen pushing, seat warming civil servants that decide what equipment gets bought despite never touching mud in their lives.

    Not to mention no plan to update the current Challenger tank and to scrap the Warrior IFV, the only heavy troop carrier we have. Then again I'm sure a Warrior with a 30mm Rarden and a Mastiff with a .50 are the exact same thing to the overpaid, tie wearing, backstabbing higher ups that make the say on these things that are so far removed from the main line of duty they have no idea or care for the opinions, morale and wellbeing of the troops.

    Numbers on paper man, numbers on paper.

  4. Very sad, more of a counter insurgency and international peacekeeping force than a proper military.

  5. Looks like the Scottish elements of the army are being shoved together, could this have anything to do with the possibility of Scottish independence?

    If we do go independent then at least our army should be able to get hold of all the shiny kit the British army is currently withdrawing. There are more than enough Warriors and Challengers stored to equip us and the same should be true for Land Rovers and trucks. It will be a kick in the balls for Britain though.

    1. If Scotland did become independent, which is very unlikely according to all the latest polls then the defence budget allocated by an independent Scotland is so small that Its army would consist of 2 guys driving around the coast in an old jeep. Of all the regiments in the British army, the Scottish ones have the worse recruitment and are under strength. Also the units listed in the diagram are only the those attached to the 1st and 3rd divisions and the 16th air assault Brigade. Don't forget there are also 7 other brigades of the adaptable force which contain Scottish units and also Force troops which form the largest part of the army. At the moment Britain has more tanks than France or Germany. Having said that, Britain's armed forces are being cut and cut again . What a lot of people don't understand is that the EU are trying to forge a European army centred mainly on the British and French forces. Many commentators believe capabilities are being neglected so integration becomes necessary. This plan is doomed to failure of coarse which will leave big holes in defence capability.

  6. Ouch....I mean, when your entire Force can be shunk down to 13 Scribd Pages, you're in deep shit. I bet an Al Qaeda force Structure will need more pages than the once mighty British Army. With this kind of a force structure, you cannot indulge in Independant operations no matter how much you write about them. With this, now you'll necessarily have to partner up with allies like the French, USA, Australia etc. for any operation.

  7. page 2: ELCAN w/Piggyback RMR + an EOTECH out front???

  8. What amuse me is that defence professionals often accuse civilians with an interest in defence matters of being obsessed with kit and fantasy fleets. Yet the MoD produce the grand plan for the British Army's super new structure and it is all about in what vehicle the various parts are mounted. Then again what else is there to talk about? If an army of 100,00 didn't make much of a dent in the Sandbox which demonstrated beyond anything that for COIN numbers count then what difference will a force of 80,000 make? Why should civilians sign up to be part time soldiers to fight wars for ill defined goals in a period of economic uncertainty? And certainly the British government aren't going to supply additional assets to move the smaller army about the globe quicker.

  9. Today there are more horses than main battle tanks in the British Army. Shades of the 1920s.


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