Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Bob Work asked to stay on as Deputy SecDef? Expect more transformation nonsense!

via The Hill Blog.
President-elect Donald Trump has asked the Pentagon’s second-highest ranking official to join his administration, according to a new report.
Trump has requested that Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work continue serving under his incoming Defense secretary, retired Gen. James Mattis, Fox News said Monday.
Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin said Trump’s team has asked Work to remain in his role in part due to concerns that North Korea and other foreign antagonists may test the president-elect after his inauguration.
This is nonsense and the second misstep in his appointments.  Bob Work?  Freaking seriously?  The guy is a transformation worshipper!  You can kiss any chance of serious reform at the Pentagon gone now.

The status quo will remain as far as the Pentagon is concerned.  This signals so many bad things that I can't even name them all.  Unless Trump goes rogue and dismisses all the advice he gets from his top leadership then this means that the F-35 program will remain virtually intact (Work loves attack UAVs so the Navy might be able to wiggle out but the rest of the program will be safe).

Yep.  This is a serious blow to reform at the Pentagon.  You heard it here first.

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