Tuesday, February 12, 2013

General Dynamics will compete with a LAV -II Demonstrator type.

My source deep inside the workings of General Dynamics (stay safe buddy...they're paranoid) is telling me that they're going with a derivative of their LAV II Technology Demonstrator.

Interesting but it may all be academic.

The MPC probably won't might not survive.  Have you noticed that all the services have come out with contingencies in case of sequestration?

The Marine Corps hasn't.


Because the Marine Corps historically chops boat spaces first and equipment last.

You haven't heard a Marine General Officer speak on sequestration because the first move will be to reduce the ranks.  (Read a Marine Corps Times article on it here...no info on the Marines is given) If it hits as hard as some indicate I would expect at least 10,000 Marines released from their contracts for the good of the service before the end of the fiscal year.

Once they get around to equipment what do you think will be first?  The F-35 is protected.  The MV-22 is the Marine Corps pet.  The JLTV is a joint project with the Army and we're committed to buying the first 5000.  That leaves Marine Corps specific programs.  The MPC.  The ACV.  The CH-53K.

If it hits and if it sticks the Marine Corps might not seen any of those projects reach the fleet.

Monday, February 11, 2013

SOFREP takes aim at women in the Infantry.

I steered clear of this cause quite honestly I tire of Haynie and her group of apologist in the Commandant's office and USNI Blog polluting my space with their bullshit.  Luckily, we all know the truth...it won't work.  Already they're using code words to lower standards...gender-norming...developing "real" standards to measure what it takes to be an Infantryman (I guess I should call it Infantry Person) etc...But SOFREP won't swallow the nonsense and are coming out swinging on this subject...a tidbit.

Another favorite…  First it was the blacks, then it was the gays, now it is women.  No.  No, actually it isn’t.  This has nothing to do with race or sexual orientation but rather the physiology of the female gender and whether or not they can meet the standards required in the Infantry and SOF.  Please stop trying to mix other controversial issues in order to make your case.  Lets move on.Women should be allowed in combat!  They can do the job!Here, carry this 50 pound rucksack down this road for 12 miles.Well, not me but I know women who can do it!Ever notice how women making these arguments always defer when put on the spot?  It is never them who can meet the standards but rather some other idealized woman?  Please stop doing this.  Shit or get off the pot.  I see 18 year old 90-pound girls at college who think it is a great idea to put women in the front lines.  Ante up is what I say.  You’ve got no idea.Other countries have women in combat positions!Well, not really.  Everyone likes to cite Israel but their experiment with women in the Infantry is considered a failure.  Furthermore, we are the US of A.  We have the best military in the world.  No offense to Israel or any of our other allies but we don’t need to try to replicate conscription Armies around the world.
Read it all here. 

I'm trying to decide a couple of things.  I'm ready to check out on the Marine Corps and just observe and not comment.

Its not my Corps anymore and it might be time to establish a timeline of Old Corps and now the reformed/revamped/differentiated New Marine Corps.

I'm just not sure.

One thing I am sure of.  Its not the same.

The Whiskey Locker

Check out the Marine Corps' new web show, "The Whiskey Locker," every payday beginning Feb. 15th.

So sad.  So pathetic.  So trying to be hardcore when they're becoming soft, weak and impotent.

A new show named the Whiskey Locker?  Craziness in a Marine Corps that breathalyzer tests before they come on duty.  That has females in the infantry.  That has given its very soul with nothing in return to obey political masters that don't give a flying fuck about the Marines and what they stand for.

This is craziness. 

Old Corps, New Corps there is a BIG fucking difference.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Ok. This confirms it. They're scared shitless!

I mean seriously!

SOCAL Law Enforcement is in a panic over Dorner.  Let me remind everyone.  This is one guy.  Many talking heads state that if civilians decided to resist the Federal Government with AR's that they'd automatically lose.  This incident and the Beltway Sniper prove otherwise.  A small group of determined and trained individuals could tie up police in knots.  The important thing in their planning would be to not target civilians.  They (civilians) should be allowed to continue their lives and that's the secret of Dorner's success.  He is only targeting polilce and their families.

But back to why I say they're scared shitless.  Check out this vid.

Note:  Sorry all but I despise the way they embed videos.  Just follow the link to the story on their site.

You get a tip in to your lines and instead of sending a squad car or maybe two to check it out you deploy your SWAT Team?  This from people that know that out of 10,000 tips maybe one or two will be legit?

They're scared.  They're shaken.  They can't even fake like they're not anymore.  Hey SOCAL Law Enforcement....Harden the fuck up....

Sidenote:  A skin tight leopard print body suit with rolls of fat oozing from the stomach and "pouch" area is just plain nasty.  I hope Oprah gives her a makeover! 

Light Tactical Vehicle Infographic.

Necked down 20mm to a 50 cal..

Why hasn't anyone necked down a 20mm to a 50 cal and developed the ultimate long range crew served sniper system?

Ryan XV-5 Vertifan

Maybe a repost but I love this plane.

LAPD Chief used the magic words with regards to Dorner.

Watching the news conference on Dorner from the LAPD.

The Chief used the magic words.

Dorner is a Domestic Terrorist.

More to come.

Dorner has 3000 followers on facebook...

This should send chills down the spine of LEO's everywhere.

They've lost the support of the public.  Its no longer a case of the Police against evil doers...Its now a view where the Police are against the average man or woman.

This is why its so important for the Military (if they had any common sense left or rather weren't so eager to lick the balls of the current administration) to distance itself from all these exercises with civilian law enforcement.  The military once had a reputation to protect.  It once was viewed as an American institution worthy of respect.  It isn't anymore. 

Getting in bed with law enforcement is one of many reasons why.

Exhibit number 5 of why Dorner must die bloody.

No bolts for Marines during inauguration!

Via Free Republic
Posted on Saturday, February 09, 2013 9:05:31 PM by SWAMPSNIPER
“Didn't know the Marines had to take the bolts out of their rifles for the Inaugural,” an email forwarded to Gun Rights Examiner from a United States Marine Corps source observed. “Wonder if someone can explain why [they] would be marching in the inaugural parade with no bolts in their rifles!”
The email linked to a YouTube video of the 57th Presidential Inaugural Parade, embedded in this column, featuring Bravo Company Marines from the Marine Barracks Washington. Sure enough, the observation in the email is confirmed by watching the video, with screen shots provided in the photo and slide show accompanying this article.

Just fuckin' wow.

Law Enforcement body slam people daily but Dorner scares them.

Major Hat Tip to Everyday No Days Off Blog.

An individual that's upset about response time AND the fact that he was assaulted is further humiliated by the people that he called to help.

Worse.  It was a Marine Vet versus an active duty Soldier.

We can play reindeer games all day about the different services but in the end its all a brotherhood.

But not in this case.

I couldn't tell but it seems like this guy put a modified LVNR (choke hold) on the guy but from the front...it was once taught but applying it was always tricky and by the sounds of things the Soldier was suffering from having his wind pipe collapse (or at least starting to).

I went here and it seems that they kneeled on the guys while he was down.  I don't know if that's academy taught or if they just do it on the street but that is bad tactics.  It can cause death if done for too long.

If the cop isn't given some days off or worse then that tells you all you need to know.

But to bring it full circle.  These are the same cops that supposedly deal with Bloods, Crips, MS-13, Mexican Mafia, Biker Gangs, Aryan Nation and Asian Gangs etc....so with that being the case and with them able to slam soldiers without regret then why does Dorner scare them so much?

Saturday, February 09, 2013

Dead man down.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xGr0vUe41vM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I don't know what the cinema term is but this is one of those old style movies with a killer, sexy woman, and evil killer mash up with tons of gun play, tons of action -- spiced with sexual situations.

Perfect date movie.

What the hell. I'll say it. Dorner is a test model for drone use in the US. Update: LAPD tries a cheap psy-ops trick.

What the hell guys.

Remember where I talked earlier about why we didn't see the usual alphabet soup of federal law enforcement agencies involved in the Dorner situation?

My theory is because this is the perfect test case of using drones in the US in a law enforcement capacity.

With the high profile testimony this week, if people saw a bunch of FBI, ATF or DHS raid jackets at news conferences then they'd surely be asked about the subject.

With those officials no where to be found the question can't be posed to them and as is usually the case, our main stream news media is too stupid to ask the question of a person with the authority to answer...or deny the facts for the record.

Dorner will be found.  He will die bloody and drones will help do it.  

UPDATE:  LAPD is trying a cheap psy-ops trick on Dorner.  They've gone public and stated that they're re-opening the investigation into his firing.  Really?  Say that shit out loud and ask yourself if you really believe it!  This from FoxNews...

Officials will particularly re-examine Christopher Dorner's allegations that his law enforcement career was undone by racist colleagues, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck told KCBS-TV. He also urged Dorner to surrender."If he was to give himself up, we'd be happy to hear what he has to say," Beck said.
Let's go over a few things again.  LAPD is on tactical alert.  He's killed a couple of officers, wounded another and killed the daughter of a retired officer.

He could have been trained by the Head Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan and it wouldn't happen.  Where there is life, there is hope and he took away hope from many people.  He's done.

Reaching critical mass on Seqeustration.

Its about to pop on the sequestration front.

Galrahn and the Conservative Wahoo have articles up  where they walk right to the edge of calling bullshit on the Pentagon (here and here) and even the hold its finger to the wind USNI has an author calling for a revolt of the generals over the subject (here).

Long story short.  Everyone that has an interest in military matters have finally gotten to the point of openly saying (some much more diplomatically than me) that the entire building has become politicized and that they're no longer acting in the best interests of this nations defense...instead they're acting at the beck and call of their political masters.

Chesty (Marine), Nimitz (Navy), LeMay (Air Force) and Patton (Army) would all have done things much differently than those in charge.  Each service needs to take a time out and ask what would their greats have done.

Gun Porn.

Do you like gun porn? 

Well I do and it helps to have a one stop shop instead of trying to scour the internet for the latest and greatest.  My recommendation to take care of the need?  Gunsngear.tumblr.com

He covers the latest and greatest in the industry, a little everyday carry and even a few babes with guns.  Like I said.  One stop shopping.

Why Dorner will not be captured alive.

I've noticed a few things about this Dorner incident happening in Kalifornia...

*LAPD and local agencies are jumpy beyond recognition.  These are the same guys that go up against Crips, Bloods, MS-13 and the Mexican Mafia?  Seems like one determined guy with a gun has them shitting their pants.

*As many have said.  This guy has a plan.  He could soon be "operating" nationwide.  Imagine if he decides that instead of just targeting Southern California Law Enforcement Officers he's gonna take it to any city cop across the nation (I say city cops because he appears to have vigorously avoided encounters with Sheriff's Deputies)

*Where are the Feds?  On many incidents where I believe they have no role or interests I usually see FBI, ATF and DHS raid jackets somewhere in photos.  They're no where to be found in this.  Interesting.  I have my own theories but they're too inflammatory for print.

But back to the issue at hand.

I don't think Dorner can be allowed to surrender for a few reasons...first the Cops that were killed have friends, and relatives---both factually and in spirit.  How would you feel if someone killed a brother?  Yeah.  I would lay the person responsible to waste.  If Southern LEO's get the chance then Dorner is toast.  DRT.  Dead right there.

Next an example must be set.  People like me and you ... people who have no ill will and aren't planning on committing any crimes are taking notes.  Evil individuals are too.  Unless Dorner dies bloody then society at large and crimminals in particular will take the wrong notes on what it means to go on a rampage targeting police in particular.

Dorner must die.  And its got to be bloody, and nasty.

If history is an example his rage will fade and he'll attempt to hide.  Oh well.  Too bad for ya cowboy.  You made a very rough bed.

Red Bull Machine Gunner...

LAPD can't shoot!

Check out the pic below of the truck that was misidentified as containing the madman, Dorner.  The two women are lucky to be alive and the marksmanship skills of the LAPD have to be called into question.  Not in the case of bullet placement but in the basic skill of IDENTIFYING your target before you shoot. Read the story here.  One thing is certain.  Dorner is already dead, his body just hasn't stopped moving yet.  He will NOT be allowed to surrender (unless he heads to an FBI office) and the Southern California law enforcement agencies are spooked.  This will be interesting to watch.

Bullet-riddled vehicle
Police investigators examine a blue pickup truck riddled with bullets on Redbeam Avenue in Torrance. Officers, thinking shooting suspect Christopher Dorner might have been in the vehicle, unleashed a fusillade, wounding a woman and her mother. (Bob Chamberlin / Los Angeles Times /February 7, 2013)

Friday, February 08, 2013

F-35 Projected to cost 67 million per plane by 2020.

Check this out from the Ottawa Business Journal.
After a year of bad press following the federal government’s botched estimate of how much it would cost to procure 65 of the stealth planes, officials from Lockheed Martin Corp. and Pratt & Whitney hosted a telephone press conference to refute perceptions of cost overruns and noting the involvement of several Canadian firms – including Ottawa-based GasTops – on the project.
Steve O’Bryan, vice-president of F-35 programs at Lockheed Martin, said the jets have undergone a 50 per cent price reduction compared to five years ago, and estimated that each plane will cost $67 million by 2020.
Great news.

But it just adds fuel to my argument that the USMC should delay purchase till 2020 and divert funds to the Amphibious Combat Vehicle and Marine Personnel Carrier Programs.

The F-35 will be a winner but we can afford a capability gap until the costs go down and besides...in my opinion getting the Marine Corps armor in shape is a much more pressing matter.

We're at a point where the F-35 isn't in danger of being canceled.  It will be built.  Can we say the same about the ACV and MPC?  If we can't then they should become our number one priorities.

Why do Sheriff's support gun rights and Police Chief's oppose it???

If you've ever asked yourself the question, Why do Sheriff's support gun rights but Police Chiefs oppose it then TACTICAL GEAR BLOG has the answer (copied entirely from their blog...subscribe,  they do good work).

Shults Media Relations is an industry PR firm that supports the constitution. We found this to be a fairly succinct explanation on the topic discussed.  While there are no absolutes, there is some fair reasoning.

This contains some concepts that many folks haven't considered. We are not siding with or against the police or advancing excuses for them and we hope it does not appear we are picking on them either; we aren't.  
For this work, we interviewed 17 chiefs and sheriffs from around the country. From those conversations (emails and phone) we have some quotes in this work. We were asked not to source the particular quotes and that is fair since this was not an on the record news interview, we just wanted their thoughts and opinions. So, as Joe Friday said, "just the facts ma'am."
When it comes to various politicians and others speaking against gun ownership (the 2nd Amendment and Constitution by definition) politicians will many times cite city and state police chiefs who allegedly may support the anti-gun movement. These politicians may have police chiefs and their officers appear with them as props or spokesmen in news conferences. So the logical question to ask is why are these top cops so seemingly against firearm ownership?
Chiefs are at the beck and call of their political bosses, mayors and city councils. "We chiefs get our opinion on firearm ownership when it is issued to us."--A recent quote by a chief.  
A sheriff told us "There is an active debate between sheriffs and chiefs that is affected by the big city chief culture because chiefs tend to emulate each other."
For our purpose here let's just deal with city police, not state/national officials. If city politicians are against gun ownership (Chicago, Washington D.C, San Francisco, and New York for example) and the chief doesn't agree he can (and probably will) be fired or demoted by the mayor or possibly by a simple majority of the City Council. In most towns over 50,000 population chiefs generally get paid between $70,000 and $140,000 a year plus benefits and retirement. Large city chiefs get well over $200,000 plus benefits, retirement and every once in a while you run into a chief earning well over $300,000.00 plus benefits. They want to hang onto that "chief" position, title and income.
This is why you see chiefs and their officers in the background when privileged officials posture against citizen firearm ownership and the Constitution by definition. Sure some chiefs may believe in citizen gun control and may be willing as a backdrop for self-serving politicians--especially if they were appointed by those in power at the time. So whenever a mayor, senator, representative or president wants a show of "top cops" showing support, a message is delivered to the particular city where the top officials are anti-2nd Amendment requesting top cops as props. The chiefs and officers are obediently delivered for props or advised to get their resume updated.
Sheriffs are by and large a different breed. They are elected by the people with a larger proportional number of citizens than city officials. The sheriff does not have to please a few city council members, a goofy mayor (or a governor). Sheriffs represent the beliefs and values of the majority of the area of his or her citizens who directly voted them into office. Yes, there will be sheriffs who do not want guns in the hands of citizens, but nothing like the number of police chiefs who have a near immediate career ending gun held to their heads by anti-Constitution politicians or the chief culture.  

And most sheriffs take their Oath supporting the Constitution very seriously. And while they currently follow and enforce Constitutional applicable federal, state and county laws they reserve the power invested in their oath and position as elected officers of their county to resist or not to enforce Constitutional infringing law if or when that might come. If that were to occur, the state police and/or federal government may be ordered to step into that particular sheriff's county to enforce those particular unconstitutional laws. The ramifications of those legal incursions might be very interesting to watch, especially, we were told, if that particular sheriff is actively supported by the citizens of that county.    
The bottom line is city, state and even federal chiefs will almost always bend to the will of their political masters--He who has the gold makes the rules."  Then this might be something to bring up in various press conferences with officers in the background.
I never put it together but this makes sense.