Sunday, January 12, 2020

Is there an opening for peace with the Iranian people?

Maybe huh?  I can hope can't I?  Big things have small beginnings...

Textron Systems' Spider ...Claymores are so last century!

Textron needs a hype man cause they're doing alot of good stuff (even old stuff that never got much publicity) that isn't getting the coverage it deserves.

Small units are the "in thing"?  Then you need more effective systems to protect them.  The "Spider" fits that bill much better than a claymore ever could.

I like it!

Protests in Iran over the shoot down of the civilian airliner by their forces...

The irony of this situation would be too delicious if lives weren't lost (and probably continue to be lost over this situation).

Iran launched an attack on our embassy in Iraq which was repulsed, we retaliated, then they launch an attack with ballistic missiles but were so rattled about the possibility of further escalation that they set their defenses to automatic resulting in the shootdown of their airliner because they did not establish a no fly zone over their own country.

We've seen protests in that country result in deaths, we've seen the shootdown result in deaths and now we're seeing protests because of the shoot down.

I'm not one that's big into regime change but if I were now would seem to be the perfect time to push this thing over the edge (but I'm not and I worry what monster could replace the monster we know).

This new year has started off terribly for the Iranians.  I hope they're smart enough to stabilize things without plunging the rest of the region into an even hotter war than its already facing.

PLAN Type 055 Guided Missile Destroyer Nanchang DDG-101.

13,000 tons of Chinese firepower.  Wonder how many anti-ship missiles it would take to sink her?

If we're talking Harpoons would a half dozen do it?  Assuming hits on non-critical areas would it take more?

N-LCA made its first deck landing on INS Vikramaditya and today it took off successfully from the ski jump.

New 33,000 tons Italian LHD Trieste arriving in the Gulf of La Spezia (January 7th, 2020), to continue her fitting-out in preparation for her commissioning in 2022

Wow.  Almost as big as the America and Queen Elizabeth but a dedicated LHD?  LOVE IT!  Additionally if you're an aviation guy then you got to love the idea of a dedicated platform to control aircraft with the ship drivers being happy about the same to steer the thing.

The Italians are doing it right.

Evolution beats revolution!

Iran shot down their own civilian airliner...being perceived as a madman can be good (hear me out)...

By now you've heard that Iran shot down their own civilian airliner.  Some have blamed Trump.  Others have called the Iranians "stupid", and still others are wondering why an anti-aircraft crew would seemingly set their weapon to automatic while civilian aircraft were flying around.

You knew I'd have a quick hit on this (while I'm digging thru e-mails from LAST week).

Let's do a quick tick tock of events...

1.  The Quds Force Commander is plotting attacks against US installations in the Middle East.  We had already seen massive protests inside the Green Zone, which presumably, the Iraqis allowed to enter to threaten our embassy.

2.  One can rightfully assume that we were looking at Benghazi part two.  At one point it really looked (at least from my chair) that our Marines would either have to be evacuated while under fire OR another Iranian hostage drama (this is what I think they were actually angling for) which would affect our domestic politics AND humiliate us in the region.

3.  We acted forcefully and in a limited fashion.  We took the Quds Force Commander off the field.  We put him in a blender and hit the high speed button courtesy of a Hellfire Ninja Missile.

4.  The Iranians promised revenge.  Staged mourning parades resulted in several dozen Iranians killed/injured.

5.  The Iranians were left in a quandary.  Trump promised massive retaliation if they attacked.  He stated that he wanted peace but that if an American was killed that they would face hellfire like no one has seen before.  How to strike back but protect themselves from being ripped apart (there was every indication that Trump would use retaliation as a means to decapitate the leadership of Iran).

6.  Iran chose to do a couple of things.  First they alerted Iraq of the installations they would target KNOWING (or perhaps instructed) to tell the Americans of their plans.  Second they launched an EXTREMELY limited strike from Iranian soil using ballistic missiles.  This is important.  Iran could have launched several hundred of these missile but only chose to send about a dozen.

7.  Trump states that all is well.  No Americans were injured and additional sanctions against Iranian LEADERSHIP and not the people would be started.

For his entire time in office Trump has been labeled a madman.  Impulsive. Reactionary.

For the first time in recent memory that label worked in his favor.  The shoot down of their own airliner proved that.

How nervous were the Iranians?

An antiaircraft crew put their system on automatic and got the fuck out of dodge.  The Iranian leadership was so unnerved that they alerted the hated Americans of their plans to ensure that none of the spawn of Satan would be injured (their characterization of us, not mine). 

Being seen as crazy works.

But more importantly being seen as ready to launch an all out strike against an enemy if they cross the line works well too.  Trump stumbled onto something that the Pentagon should take note of.  Stationing troops in far off lands isn't a deterrent.  Being prepared to act decisively, aggressively and in a punishing fashion IS!

The N-LCA’s first arrested landing on INS Vikramaditya.

Remember the Saudi student at our Naval Air Station that killed our servicemen? Well his buddies are terrible too...

via Washington Post (follow the link in the Tweet).
At least a dozen Saudi military trainees in the United States could be sent back to their home country after an FBI investigation found connections to extremist rhetoric, possession of child pornography, and a failure by a small number of people to report alarming behavior by the gunman who killed three people last month at a Pensacola, Fla., military base, according to people familiar with the matter.
Just plain wow.

Before the investigation was even over the current SecDef announced that we would be accepting even more exchange personnel.

I don't recall exactly but I hope it was with the caveat that they would be properly screened.

The funny sad thing?

These guys were screened too and somehow fell thru the cracks.  We've got to do a better job.

Greek Army to receive M1117 Guardian Armored Security Vehicles..

Story here (you will need Google or another translation service) via Amynagr Blog...

Wow.  I get it it but I kinda wish they had been offered the Canadian Army version of the Commando Family Of Vehicles.  These should serve them well if they're used in roles in which they were intended.

With things going south with Turkey its only natural that we seek to strengthen Greece.

I hope we get on it with a quickness.  More donations of high tech weapons should be a priority.

Interesting tidbit about US Army robotic systems...RCV(L) is to be attritable...

Story at Army Recognition...

I find the above graphic interesting.  The RCV(L) is to be attritable?  I wonder what the price point is with that being the case.  Its to have a robust sensor package AND limited self defense capability (with the ability to handoff strikes to more capable systems)?

Sounds like a tall order with a throw away system.  Additionally (and I'm assuming here) I'm guessing that the Squad Support Vehicles will also fall into this category.

Sorry folks.

I'm just not buying it.

Does anyone have a clear view on the Army's concepts for using these things? I just don't see how they're gonna square this circle.

Sidenote.  I notice the Crusher has made a return in their graphics...was always a fan of that beast.

Open Comment Post. 12 Jan 2020