Friday, November 27, 2020

Griffon command post


Story here.

Open Comment Post. 27 Nov 2020


Quick Hit. Trump might have been batshit crazy but he didn't radiate weakness like Biden is...

 SNAFU! Quick Hits are just a few quick thoughts that I toss to ya'll for debate. Usually information is just coming in and that info will evolve.  Participate at your own risk but we're in the land of INTENSE speculation on these topics (usually).


Did you guys see the news?  Someone (most think the Israelis) just smoked the top Iranian Nuclear Scientist like a cheap cigar in a seedy hotel with a 5 cent hooker between his legs after a long night of drinking.

No missiles.

No poison.

Old fashioned run up on a car, switch your rifle to fun and cut loose. Quite honestly it looks like some Ranger Battalion shit.

But back on task.

I'm thinking the Israelis are cleaning up their neighborhood and doing their best to slow down the Iranian nuclear program and sending a message to the Iranians at the same time.

The million dollar question.

Did Trump know (did the Israelis inform us before the operation) and did we provide support in anyway?

I just don't know.

What I do know is that we might be on the edge of terrorism rising dramatically in the near term.  We could see this ongoing regional war in the Middle East/North Africa increase in ferocity and while the economy will roar back I think we could see another oil shock with activity in the Persian Gulf disrupting shipping.

I really do believe 2020 was bad but 2021 will be worse...both internationally and domestically.

This is just the prologue to a fucked up year.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Future Indian Air Force Air Superiority Line-Up


More pics of the digital camo Challenger MBT


This is some evil shit in Australia over a damn mask...

I'm so glad my Sheriff has us steering away from enforcing any of this stuff.  Any leader of a security force, police/sheriff's dept or even private security would be well advised to avoid this.

For better or worse this is becoming a polarising issue.  The genie is out of the bottle and the chance to build consensus has passed. There are just some people that will refuse to comply.

We have bigger fish to fry than to get into pissing matches over this issue.

Before it's over (and maybe it's already happened) someone is gonna be killed by an act of violence over this foolishness.

Marine Corps short 6 infantry battalions

 Note.  Read the entire article but these are the parts that caught my eye...via Marine Corps Times.

The biggest hurdle for the Marine Corps to overcome in future fights is its size, according to the report.

By analyzing every fight the Marine Corps has been involved with since the Korean War, Wood estimated the Corps would need 15 infantry battalions, along with the supporting force, to be effective.


Under that assessment the Marine Corps with “only” 24 infantry battalions would have received an overall grade of “weak.”

In 2020 Wood accepted the Marine Corps’ insistence that it is a one-war force with an added crisis response mission. Under the new evaluation the estimated requirement was lowered by Wood to 30 infantry battalions and the Corps score was moved up to “marginal.” 


 “There is a potential for the Navy, acting as the anchor, the drag, that keeps the Marine Corps from realizing what it needs to be,” Wood said.

“But it is also possible the success the Marine Corps has in developing and proving these new concepts pulls the Navy forward.”

Like I said.


The most stunning part of the thing to me?  Enlisted boatspaces are taking a dramatic hit and while that is being accelerated we're seeing officer slots increase!

At this rate we're gonna have officers commanding squads.... 

Cold Weather AAV Life-Fire Range

 Note.  Really don't get this.  By rights we should be seeing the ACV platoon operating here.  By rights (assuming I'm correct and the AAV/ACV are heading out the door) we should be seeing JLTVs, small boat raids, and tons of Marine Raiders in cold weather gear lasing targets for missiles/aircraft.  More digging around the interwebs to see if they're actually testing Berger's concept (if they are then you can bet body parts you highly value that it will be HIGHLY SCRIPTED with a predictable outcome).

AAVs in the Arctic (video)

Happy Thanksgiving...


This goes out to all my readers, their families and friends.  Take care folks!

The Commandant of the Marine Corps is charging into the future, but some aren't ready for change

 via Task & Purpose

Most people appreciate that the services are always competing with each other for publicity, prestige, and ultimately resources. Just as a small business doesn’t try to sell the same goods as a much larger business, the Marine Corps can’t sell itself as another army, just with a tougher boot camp and better uniforms. It needs to differentiate. Unless it offers the nation something different than the Army, the Corps’ existence is in peril. America can barely afford one Army, much less two.

The Marine Corps can’t out-armor the Army. It can’t out-artillery the Army. Thankfully, it certainly can’t out-MP the Army, nor should it try. But it can out-Marine the Army. Throughout its history, the Corps has had to periodically reinvent itself to maintain its relevance. As America pivots from hunting insurgents in the desert to eying Chinese moves in the Pacific, it’s again one of those times. As Army Gen. Eric Shinseki once said,” If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.”

Let the Army worry about fighting land wars in Asia — everyone knows that’s a classic blunder. The Marine Corps, along with its sister service, the Navy, can concentrate on winning them at sea.


Read the entire thing for yourself but I chose to post his closing remarks as a winning example of how batshit crazy Berger's concept really is.

We can't out Army the Army?

WTF is that?

What does that even really fucking mean?

The sad reality?

Heading down this road we've switched from out Army-ing the Army (in their warped way of thinking) to trying to out Navy the Navy and out Air Force-ing the Air Force.

If you've been keeping up with the "modernization" news then you'll find that the Air Force is looking at developing austere basing in the Pacific region, the Army is getting into the ship killing business etc...

Long story short?

There is no core competency for the Marine Corps to carve out for itself in this new concept.  There is no guarantee of "relevancy"!  

For some reason the Marine Corps (yeah Amos you motherfucker I blame you for this idiocy) has been whining (and I use that word deservedly) about one issue or another for the past two decades.

It's past time to man up and get about the business of defending this country instead of reaching for the next transformationalist pie in the sky.

My one redeeming thought about this article?

It points to the Commandant losing control of this debate.  Marines ARE NOT getting in line and flowing behind him.  This concept is dying right before our eyes and that's not a good thing.  It's a great thing.

Fighting just might happen in the middle of Africa and if this thing dies then we might see the Marine Corps carrying its load, not just depending on Marine Air to be a taxi service for the other services.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Quick hit. Is the military the largest socialist program in America?

 This is a quick hit.

On another blog thread some of my readers are calling the military the largest socialist program in the US.

Their rational?

The military provides free medical and post secondary education.

They're missing the point.

The military isn't the largest socialist program in America.  What it is, is one of the last remaining bastions of patriotism.  What do I mean?  There are few other jobs that require you to be away from your family for long periods of time, have the inherent risk of death or serious injury attached and demand a specified time period of service without the option (mostly) to leave the organization because of dissatisfaction.

Providing medical and education benefits to those individuals isn't socialism.  It's the least that can be done.

I have great readers.  I disagree with them on a variety of issues.  On this one we disagree. But it's worse than that.  I vigorously disagree with them.  In my opinion they totally missed the boat with their thought process and attempted to make a cheap point that was invalid from the start.